Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Friends of Majical Miniatures

It is that time of year, time to renew your Friends of Majical Miniatures membership. 

 As a thank you for your continued support we are offering a special limited time only "Friends of Majical Miniatures" membership for only $1 for your 2014 renewal if you renew by December 31, 2013. 

We need to bring our membership up to 500 members by the end of the year and we still need 28 new members to make our goal!!! 

All proceeds will directly benefit the animals at Majical Miniatures, helping to pay for things like feed and medical needs. We can not continue to do what we do without your help! 

 It is easy to sign up just send your $1 donation through paypal to, be sure to check "sending money to family/friends" so that Majical Miniatures will not have to pay the paypal fees or visit our website and click on the link at: 

 Are your friends and family animal lovers too? We would love it if you could spread the word, share our membership drive with everyone you know. Ask them to help support the animals at the sanctuary by becoming a friend of Majical Miniatures for only $1! 
Yes, we are extending this special to new friends for their first year membership too.
Please share with as many people as you know. 

Thank you from your furred, feathered and shelled friends!

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