Friday, January 11, 2013

Animal lovers New Year's resolutions

It is that time of year again; time to make our new year’s resolutions. This year let's try resolutions that are easy to keep & will benefit not only ourselves but our pets and shelter animals:

  1. Resolve to provide the basic needs for your pet or for a shelter animal: food, fresh water, shelter and love! 
  2. Spend more time playing. Spending time with your pet or a shelter animal is a proven stress reliever for humans and provides mental stimulation for the animal. 
  3. Exercise: taking your pet for daily walks will help keep you both fit & trim 
  4. Commit for the long term: Pets are not disposable. As they age they will need you more than ever. Keep in mind all the unconditional love he or she provided you over the years. Consider putting your pet in your will. Who will take care of her once you are gone?
  5. Be prepared, is not just the boy scout's motto: In Florida we keep hurricane disaster kits for our family but many times forget to think about what will happen to our pets in case of an emergency. Many emergency shelters do not accept pets. Check ahead of time with your local government to see which shelters allow pets; be sure to keep an extra supply of medicines, canned food, etc for your pets.
  6. Resolve to only use positive reinforcement when training your pet. Take the time to find positive training methods to use with your dog, cat, bird or other pet
  7. Become a volunteer or donate to a local animal shelter: There are many wonderful rescues in our community who are in need of not only monetary donations but also donations of time & every day items like towels, paper products, pet toys etc. 
  8. Provide Proper ID: What if your pet was to wonder away from home? Would the person who finds him be able to return him to you? Be sure your pet has proper ID on his collar or have him micro-chipped. 
  9. Properly dispose of items that can harm wild animals. 
  10. Adopt do not buy:  Adopt a shelter animal instead of purchasing an animal from a breeder or pet store. There are so many wonderful pets waiting in shelters for their forever homes. 

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