There are many myths and untruths about bats. For instance, Bats are not blind. They have the same senses we do, sense of smell, hearing, taste, sight and touch. Bats will not attack you and if you see them flying low they are only looking for insects. There are no Vampire bats in the United States but they are found in southern Mexico, Central and South America. Vampire bats do not suck blood like you see in the movies, they make a scrape with their sharp teeth then lap it up. The most common misconception is that all bats carry rabies. This is not true. Studies have shown that less than one percent of bats contract rabies and when they do they usually die within three or four days. You should never handle a wild bat with your bare hands. If you find one on the ground or in a place they shouldn't be, they may bite in self defense and you could contract rabies from him that way.
About Bats:
Here are a few interesting facts about these amazing creatures. Although some mammals can glide, bats are the only mammal that can fly. Bats are classified into a unique group called "Chiroptera", which means "hand wing" in Latin. Bats literally use their hands to fly. Their wings are like our hands, but with longer fingers and a thin, tough skin between the fingers.
There are over 1,100 different species of bats in the world, totaling up about a quarter of all mammal species. There are 45 different species of bats that live in the United States and Canada alone. Most bat species live in warm, tropical regions. Florida is home to thirteen species of bats some of which are year round while others are seasonal, much like many human residents. All thirteen species are insectivorous which means they feed mostly on insects. There are an additional seven species of bats that have, on occasion, been found in Florida but they do not normally live here. These are commonly referred to as accidental species.
Bats can fly extremely fast and at high altitudes. Some species have been detected flying over 50 miles per hour. Other species have been detected flying over 3,000 feet above ground in search of insect prey. Bats are a very important part of our natural ecosystem. They help control pests, are essential pollinators and disperse seeds for numerous plants.
Pest control
Insectivore bats like those in Florida are predators of night-flying insects, like gnats & mosquitoes and many of the most damaging agricultural pests. More than two-thirds of bat species eat insects, and they have healthy appetites. A single little brown bat can eat up to 1,000 insects in one hour; most single bats will eat between 2000 - 6000 bugs a night. Insect-eating bats in the United States provide pest control service for the U.S. agricultural industry saving them billions of dollars a year.
Life Expectancy
On average, mother bats rear only one young per year, and some do not give birth until they are two or more years old. Bats live very long lives, there is a record of a bat that survived in the wild for 41 years, and many species live 15 to 20 years or more.
For more info: Florida Bat Conservancy